Will things be any different in 2021? We have collectively declared a nationwide movement of putting 2020 behind us with a hope toward a better year. Obviously, turning that corner is composed of two major factors: conquering a damnable disease that changed everything about our lives, and a president who will be replaced on Jan. 20, 2021.
So, the answer is no and yes. The disease will still be here in 2021 and maybe longer. The current president will be the former president. One out of two ain’t bad.
But here we are on Christmas Eve Eve and we’re wondering how we can have a Merry and Happy after that. As a country, we are dealing with some pretty weighty issues. So, let’s depend on our own Ghost of Christmas Past to help deal with the much uglier Ghost of Christmas Present.
Far from the conditions of things Dickensian, my Past Ghost has only good things to show me: the true magic of Santa Claus, the time with family now gone, and the laughter and fun of being just a kid with no worries and a few shiny items under the tree.
But dealing with the Present Ghost is much more challenging. We fear gathering together with even our immediate family. We fear attending even a Christmas service at church or shopping for our holiday meals. Too many respiratory droplets being sprayed into our faces. So, how do we make it Merry and Bright?
We will do the best we can to make it as normal as possible. The lights are up, the tree is decorated, Amazon has delivered most of our gifts and we will celebrate in a more exclusive fashion than years gone by.
So, to my Ghost of Christmas Future: bring the vaccine, help save our small businesses, let my kids attend school without fear, and let me retire as their inadequate home-school teacher, bring back the fans to sporting events, concerts, movies and plays, and let me go to my favorite restaurant. Give us our freedom back!
Have a Merry Maumelle Christmas. God Bless Us Everyone.
Doug Shinn
Doug Shinn - One of Your New Council Members
I asked Doug Shinn, the newly elected Council member for Ward 4, Position 1, for his comments as he begins serving the city starting in January. Shinn defeated incumbent John Vaprezsan.
“I am glad and thankful that the residents of Ward 4 chose to elect me as their representative. I'm looking forward to serving and have been impressed with the cooperation that was demonstrated during the budgeting process by both the elected officials and department directors.
“I am excited that we will be starting the new year with a balanced budget. That being said, I am concerned about the ongoing Covid virus along with political changes that are being promised at the federal level and how they may affect our ability to maintain our budget goals. We may be called on to be creative to see it through.
“Commercial growth is still a major issue for me and the path we take to bring our great plans for the north interchange to pass will require us to reach out and bring new resources for development into the community especially with the questionable economic forecast that we face. It may require us to take more small steps to establish the foundation to achieve this ambitious goal.
“I am proud of Maumelle and look forward to serving with the council to bring forth a stronger future for our city.”
Foodie News
A new mobile offering is coming to Maumelle. It’s called “Steaming Hotties Espresso Cafe.” According to their Facebook page, they will be coming soon to the Morgan/Maumelle area, 21505 Hwy 365 N across from Kum & Go headed toward the Morgan/Maumelle exit.
They will be serving specialty coffees, pastries and more. There are other mobile offerings on the Boulevard but none that I’ve tried made me want to go back. I haven’t tried Firefly Burgers, but I’ve heard good things. Send me your foodie reviews and news.
NOTE: It is not my tendency to post negative reviews, so save your time. Send your negative reviews to the manager of the establishments in an email or private message. Give them a second chance or just don’t do business with them.
Food Pantries
Amongst us sinners, there are saints out there doing what they can to help those in need. There is an ongoing need for food and Maumelle has responded with the small food pantries that have popped up all over the country.
Location of the boxes:
First Baptist Church Maumelle, 100 Valencia Drive. The pantry box is in the upper parking lot median across from the office doors.
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, 4001 Club Manor Dr located behind Maumelle Kroger, next to the fire station.
Calvary Chapel, 650 Edgewood Drive across from the Maumelle tennis court in the old US Pizza parking lot.
There are regular updates on Facebook when the pantries are empty, so keep an eye out for their needs and possibly pick up a few nonperishable items when you shop.
"No man is a failure who has friends." -- It's a Wonderful Life
See you on the Boulevard.
Neal Moore is a public relations consultant and resident of Maumelle. Send your Maumelle news or comments to neal.moore@sbcglobal.net.
Thanks, Neal for your community interest and sharing this with Maumelle community. The Little Red Pantry at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church has been a blessing to so many who fill-it with deep concern for others. All pantrys share this. "Take what you need, place what you can." It all helps. Blessings.
Happy Holidays Neal! Even in the darkest times your updates are a welcoming beacon of hope.
Thanks, Aurora.
Merry Christmas Neal and may we all have a better New Year. Thanks again for your input.
Thanks, Neal for your community interest and sharing this with Maumelle community. The Little Red Pantry at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church has been a blessing to so many who fill-it with deep concern for others. All pantrys share this. "Take what you need, place what you can." It all helps. Blessings.
Thanks, JZ.