It may seem like the eclipse was the only thing that happened this past week but there’s local news on the horizon as Maumelle High School will be hosting “Jazz on the Lake” this Saturday at Lake Willastein.
An inaugural event, the concert will have jazz bands from 12 high schools across the state, including Maumelle Charter and Central Arkansas Christian, along with a jazz ensemble from Arkansas Tech.
The concert will start at 11 a.m. and conclude around 7 p.m., so it will be a full day of music at the lake.
Food trucks and other vendors will be on hand as well, so don't worry about packing lunch.
For more, check out the flier below.
In other music news, schools in the Pulaski County Special School District performed well in fine arts assessments.
In March 7 and 8 assessments at Sylvan Hills, Maumelle High School, received Superior Ratings and Maumelle Middle School received Excellent Ratings
In March 11 and 12 assessments at Maumelle, Maumelle High Band received Superior Overall Ratings on stage and Superior in sight reading, while the Maumelle 8th Grade Band received Excellent Ratings on stage and Superior in sight reading and the Maumelle 7th Grade Band received Superior Overall Ratings on stage and Excellent in sight reading
Ratings were based on judges’ scores and sight reading is when a band gets a new piece of music they haven’t performed and are given seven minutes to practice before playing it for the judges, who then rate the performance.
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Jazz concert this Saturday
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It may seem like the eclipse was the only thing that happened this past week but there’s local news on the horizon as Maumelle High School will be hosting “Jazz on the Lake” this Saturday at Lake Willastein.
An inaugural event, the concert will have jazz bands from 12 high schools across the state, including Maumelle Charter and Central Arkansas Christian, along with a jazz ensemble from Arkansas Tech.
The concert will start at 11 a.m. and conclude around 7 p.m., so it will be a full day of music at the lake.
Food trucks and other vendors will be on hand as well, so don't worry about packing lunch.
For more, check out the flier below.
In other music news, schools in the Pulaski County Special School District performed well in fine arts assessments.
In March 7 and 8 assessments at Sylvan Hills, Maumelle High School, received Superior Ratings and Maumelle Middle School received Excellent Ratings
In March 11 and 12 assessments at Maumelle, Maumelle High Band received Superior Overall Ratings on stage and Superior in sight reading, while the Maumelle 8th Grade Band received Excellent Ratings on stage and Superior in sight reading and the Maumelle 7th Grade Band received Superior Overall Ratings on stage and Excellent in sight reading
Ratings were based on judges’ scores and sight reading is when a band gets a new piece of music they haven’t performed and are given seven minutes to practice before playing it for the judges, who then rate the performance.