The Chamber said more than 50 vendors will participate in the expo and the Arkansas Workforce Center will be on hand as well.
If interested in becoming a vendor, or for more information, call the Chamber at 851-9700 or email email More information is also posted at
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Maumelle Area Chamber of Commerce sets expo, job fair
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The Maumelle Area Chamber of Commerce announced this week that the Maumelle Expn and Job Fair will be held this April.
The event will start at 2 p.m. on April 7 and be held at the Jess Odom Community Center. It is free and is also sponsored by Farm Bureau and Dillards.
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The Chamber said more than 50 vendors will participate in the expo and the Arkansas Workforce Center will be on hand as well.
If interested in becoming a vendor, or for more information, call the Chamber at 851-9700 or email email More information is also posted at