Thursday evening the property owner, Dr. Shabbir Dharamsey, developing Pinnacle Heights held a public meeting at the Jess Odom Community Center to show the design to the community and answer questions. Approximately 30 people were in attendance with 17 residents and the rest being city staff, elected officials, and members of the development team.
Pinnacle Heights Annexation and Development: This project is located to the west of Ridgeland Drive and to the north of Maumelle Valley Estates, Breckenridge Lane.
Dr. Dharamsey began by giving an overview of the project which will consist of 186 lots spread out over 80 acres. This is an average of 2.3 lots per acre. The development is a 20-year plan for full build-out but this could obviously happen faster if the market demands it. It will be built in phases of 4 to 5 acres at a time with the initial phase connecting to Ridgeland Drive where it currently ends at the county line. The design includes a clubhouse at the beginning of the neighborhood along with a private pool. The development will also include several parks along with multiple ponds and natural creeks that will be further enhanced to control rainwater.
According to Dr. Dharamsey this will be high-end development where his team will control the development and construction of all homes within the neighborhood. Several conceptual drawings of homes were shown, but Dr. Dharamsey laughingly said the designs were a little too modern for his tastes so they might revise the plans. Homes will average around 2,400 to 2,600 sq ft. His team has put a lot of thought into this development and want it to be a very nice addition to our city. They mentioned that they have designed this neighborhood “by the book” when it comes to Maumelle’s development codes. They’ve not asked for any waivers or variances and want to do everything they can to make this a great neighborhood within the city.
After his presentation, he took questions from the residents about how the construction process will be managed. Several residents along Breckenridge and Durango in Maumelle Valley Estates asked how storm water runoff would be handled. Jess Griffin, the engineer on the project, said they were leaving a 20 foot buffer between the two neighborhoods and in that area, they planned to grade down from Maumelle Valley Estates and create a natural creek that would improve the drainage in the area. Retention ponds will also be added to serve as holding areas during times of large water runoff. When asked how they planned to manage the timber on the property, Dr. Dharamsey said he wanted to leave mature trees, if possible, in buffer areas and green space. They will also be developing 4 to 5 acres at a time as mentioned earlier, so they will not be clearing the entire site at once, but rather in smaller increments as development progresses.
Another question from residents was how this would impact traffic on Ridgeland. Maumelle's Planning Director, Scott Grummer, spoke to this and talked about how Ridgeland was designed as a collector street to handle a higher volume of traffic. When the city did a traffic study recently, the traffic count on Ridgeland was far below what they expected to find. He mentioned they will look to do another study now that school is back in session to see if that has increased traffic on Ridgeland. Regarding increased traffic, this project will develop over many years with only 20 to 30 homes being added per phase. The increased traffic from these homes should have a minimal effect, but over time it will certainly add some volume to the roadway.
The project seemed to be very well received by those in attendance and wrapped up after 45 minutes. The second reading of the annexation request will take place at the council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 7 and the final reading and vote will be on Monday, Sept. 20.
A proposed 80-acre development just west of Maumelle’s city limits.
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Maumelle: Public meeting held on voluntary annexation
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Thursday evening the property owner, Dr. Shabbir Dharamsey, developing Pinnacle Heights held a public meeting at the Jess Odom Community Center to show the design to the community and answer questions. Approximately 30 people were in attendance with 17 residents and the rest being city staff, elected officials, and members of the development team.
Dr. Dharamsey began by giving an overview of the project which will consist of 186 lots spread out over 80 acres. This is an average of 2.3 lots per acre. The development is a 20-year plan for full build-out but this could obviously happen faster if the market demands it. It will be built in phases of 4 to 5 acres at a time with the initial phase connecting to Ridgeland Drive where it currently ends at the county line. The design includes a clubhouse at the beginning of the neighborhood along with a private pool. The development will also include several parks along with multiple ponds and natural creeks that will be further enhanced to control rainwater.
According to Dr. Dharamsey this will be high-end development where his team will control the development and construction of all homes within the neighborhood. Several conceptual drawings of homes were shown, but Dr. Dharamsey laughingly said the designs were a little too modern for his tastes so they might revise the plans. Homes will average around 2,400 to 2,600 sq ft. His team has put a lot of thought into this development and want it to be a very nice addition to our city. They mentioned that they have designed this neighborhood “by the book” when it comes to Maumelle’s development codes. They’ve not asked for any waivers or variances and want to do everything they can to make this a great neighborhood within the city.
After his presentation, he took questions from the residents about how the construction process will be managed. Several residents along Breckenridge and Durango in Maumelle Valley Estates asked how storm water runoff would be handled. Jess Griffin, the engineer on the project, said they were leaving a 20 foot buffer between the two neighborhoods and in that area, they planned to grade down from Maumelle Valley Estates and create a natural creek that would improve the drainage in the area. Retention ponds will also be added to serve as holding areas during times of large water runoff. When asked how they planned to manage the timber on the property, Dr. Dharamsey said he wanted to leave mature trees, if possible, in buffer areas and green space. They will also be developing 4 to 5 acres at a time as mentioned earlier, so they will not be clearing the entire site at once, but rather in smaller increments as development progresses.
Another question from residents was how this would impact traffic on Ridgeland. Maumelle's Planning Director, Scott Grummer, spoke to this and talked about how Ridgeland was designed as a collector street to handle a higher volume of traffic. When the city did a traffic study recently, the traffic count on Ridgeland was far below what they expected to find. He mentioned they will look to do another study now that school is back in session to see if that has increased traffic on Ridgeland. Regarding increased traffic, this project will develop over many years with only 20 to 30 homes being added per phase. The increased traffic from these homes should have a minimal effect, but over time it will certainly add some volume to the roadway.
The project seemed to be very well received by those in attendance and wrapped up after 45 minutes. The second reading of the annexation request will take place at the council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 7 and the final reading and vote will be on Monday, Sept. 20.