Feb 25, 2021Liked by Neal Moore

I encourage everyone to research why this ban was put into place in Maumelle. It’s truly a sad story.

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The anti-bsl advocates don't have much pushback because no one pays attention to this issue but them. If it's put to a vote the bsl would overwhelming stay on the books. Too much evidence show the breed is dangerous.

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I support people who would not move here because their pit bull was not allowed .

There are many other communities who would allow that breed.

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It seems to me that Mr. Moore's questions are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill on this issue. Doesn't surprise me, though. That's the "journalistic" way!!

Councilman Gardner is representing the wishes of his constituents and seems to have done his homework on the issue. Let the Council's procedures and mechanisms do their job. The public has ample opportunity to voice their opinions & concerns if any.

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