Ban dangerous dogs and protect the citizens of Maumelle. No special rights for transgenders, a male is a male and a female is a female...science and God made that determination. Get a shot don't get a shot, our choice. Don't trust what the government is telling you or not telling you....wear a mask, regardless if the mandate is lifted, protect your life and the lives of others, it's uncomfortable but not that big of a deal.

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Your god didn't make any determination for someone who doesn't follow your faith. This isn't a theocracy. Quit trying to force your god and your religious beliefs on others.

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Hey John or is it Joan?

Apparentlyy english is not your first language. Where am I forcing god on anyone. Please get someone proficient in english to read and explain my comment to you.....I'm sure there is a second or third grader on the neighborhood that can help y out. I do find it quite interesting that the transgender issue is what you picked up on......did I hit a nerve? 🙂😂

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"science and God made that..."

Right there. You're implying that your god made that decision for someone else. Science, by the way, completely disagrees with you. But any political justification based on your "god" and what you believe they want has 0 bearing on public policy.

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If your justification for any stance on public policy, law, etc, is "god did x god did y god said a..." then it is based on religion, and has no business in America.

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Says who? You don't get to make that decision for anyone else but yourself. How big is your ego dude? Who do you think you are? Joe Biden? 😂 Males are males, females are females, you can't change that no matter how many dresses and bras you have hanging in your closet

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Says the separation of church and state, dude. Please take a civics or political science class and understand that we are not a theocracy. Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. Trying to push for laws on the basis of "god says its bad based on my holy book" is literally pushing your religion on people. Kosher law says we shouldn't eat pork, so if a rabbi gets elected and puts forward a bill banning the sale and consumption of pork because it conflicts with his religion, that is forcing his religious beliefs on other people. I don't have bras in my closet, but I also don't obsess over what other people have in their closet like you apparently do. Nor do I like Biden. He's creepy and the democrats are no better than republicans.

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So when God creates a child with ovaries and testicles, or a penis; testicles and a vagina, or any other non normal sexuality, In your infinite wisdom what gender is that child? It's so simple to be black or white if you ignore gray!

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