The North Little Rock Council meeting scheduled for Monday, Aug. 9 will now be held online.
North Little Rock City Clerk and Treasurer Diane Whitbey said in an email, “due to the Governor’s recent Health Care Emergency Declaration and the increased number of active COVID-19 cases in Arkansas, the upcoming North Little Rock City Council Meeting will be held virtually.”
Only Mayor Terry Hartwick, Whitbey and City Attorney Amy Fields will be in City Council chambers for the meeting, while aldermen will attend via Zoom.
The meeting will still be streamed and the revised agenda details the process.
“Dial 501-500-0955 and enter the meeting ID: 149 511 1456 between 5:15 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. When prompted for the participant ID, press # or wait. A staff member will get your name. You will then be muted and participate in the meeting by listening until your application is called. If there are any questions about your application, you will be unmuted and given the opportunity to speak.”
The agenda is a light one with only three items of new business, no old business and nothing on the consent agenda.
New business resolutions are:
R-21-103: Authorizing the Mayor to submit an application on behalf of the City for additional construction funds for the Pike Avenue Bike/Pedestrian Improvements Project
R-21-104: Authorizing application by the North Little Rock Police Department for funds under the 2021 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
R-21-105: Approving and certifying amounts of Liens to be filed with the Pulaski County Tax Collector against certain properties as a result of grass cutting expenses and abatement of other nuisances
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North Little Rock: City Council goes back to virtual meetings
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The North Little Rock Council meeting scheduled for Monday, Aug. 9 will now be held online.
North Little Rock City Clerk and Treasurer Diane Whitbey said in an email, “due to the Governor’s recent Health Care Emergency Declaration and the increased number of active COVID-19 cases in Arkansas, the upcoming North Little Rock City Council Meeting will be held virtually.”
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Only Mayor Terry Hartwick, Whitbey and City Attorney Amy Fields will be in City Council chambers for the meeting, while aldermen will attend via Zoom.
The meeting will still be streamed and the revised agenda details the process.
“Dial 501-500-0955 and enter the meeting ID: 149 511 1456 between 5:15 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. When prompted for the participant ID, press # or wait. A staff member will get your name. You will then be muted and participate in the meeting by listening until your application is called. If there are any questions about your application, you will be unmuted and given the opportunity to speak.”
The agenda is a light one with only three items of new business, no old business and nothing on the consent agenda.
New business resolutions are:
R-21-103: Authorizing the Mayor to submit an application on behalf of the City for additional construction funds for the Pike Avenue Bike/Pedestrian Improvements Project
R-21-104: Authorizing application by the North Little Rock Police Department for funds under the 2021 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
R-21-105: Approving and certifying amounts of Liens to be filed with the Pulaski County Tax Collector against certain properties as a result of grass cutting expenses and abatement of other nuisances