The North Little Rock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday and for the first time since the ongoing pandemic started, it will be in-person.
Sort of.
City Clerk and Collector Diane Whitbey described the meeting as “a hybrid of sorts” with “council members, mayor, city attorney, city clerk and required department heads” attending in Council chambers,” Just like the old days,” Whitney said, but “we will also leave the option open for the public to call in and participate in the meeting virtually.”
To phone in, call 501-500-0955 between 5:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. and enter the meeting ID: 149 511 1456. A staffer will then take your name, and you’ll be muted until your name is called, then you’ll be able to participate.
The meeting will still be streamed on Facebook Live as well as on cable access.
This follows Mayor Terry Hartwick lifting the city’s mask mandate in public buildings last week.
The meeting itself is fairly straightforward and the agenda can be viewed by clicking here.
Also of note, a public hearing for North Little Rock’s Parks and Recreation Department will be held at 5:15 p.m. on Monday, June 21 at the North Little Rock Community Center. The meeting will give the public the opportunity to provide input on what city residents want from and in their parks.
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North Little Rock: City Council to meet in person on Monday
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The North Little Rock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday and for the first time since the ongoing pandemic started, it will be in-person.
Sort of.
City Clerk and Collector Diane Whitbey described the meeting as “a hybrid of sorts” with “council members, mayor, city attorney, city clerk and required department heads” attending in Council chambers,” Just like the old days,” Whitney said, but “we will also leave the option open for the public to call in and participate in the meeting virtually.”
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To phone in, call 501-500-0955 between 5:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. and enter the meeting ID: 149 511 1456. A staffer will then take your name, and you’ll be muted until your name is called, then you’ll be able to participate.
The meeting will still be streamed on Facebook Live as well as on cable access.
This follows Mayor Terry Hartwick lifting the city’s mask mandate in public buildings last week.
The meeting itself is fairly straightforward and the agenda can be viewed by clicking here.
Also of note, a public hearing for North Little Rock’s Parks and Recreation Department will be held at 5:15 p.m. on Monday, June 21 at the North Little Rock Community Center. The meeting will give the public the opportunity to provide input on what city residents want from and in their parks.