Sandefur is currently the school’s head baseball coach and is also a football assistant. Sandefur led North Little Rock to the Class 6A semifinals in baseball this season and the team won the 6A state championship in 2019. He’s also a graduate of North Little Rock Northeast High School and the University of Arkansas at Monticello.
When former coach J.R. Eldridge unexpectedly left last December, Sandefur was one of the assistant coaches who applied for the opening. Then applied again and then applied for a third time as the coaching search dragged on into May.
Multiple messages sent to the school district’s superintendent and its spokesman weren’t returned Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, and Sandefur’s name was added to the agenda for the School Board late Wednesday evening as it wasn’t originally included.
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Sandefur is North Little Rock's next football coach
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Randy Sandefur will be named North Little Rock’s next head football coach at tonight’s meeting of the North Little Rock School Board.
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Sandefur is currently the school’s head baseball coach and is also a football assistant. Sandefur led North Little Rock to the Class 6A semifinals in baseball this season and the team won the 6A state championship in 2019. He’s also a graduate of North Little Rock Northeast High School and the University of Arkansas at Monticello.
When former coach J.R. Eldridge unexpectedly left last December, Sandefur was one of the assistant coaches who applied for the opening. Then applied again and then applied for a third time as the coaching search dragged on into May.
Multiple messages sent to the school district’s superintendent and its spokesman weren’t returned Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, and Sandefur’s name was added to the agenda for the School Board late Wednesday evening as it wasn’t originally included.
The news was first reported by’s on its Twitter account.
Sandefur inherits a big job as North Little Rock has played for the Class 7A state title the last five seasons, winning once in 2017.